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Federal COVID Grants Available but Slow

2020 was a year of many things. Future generations may remember it as the year that the United States of America spent multiple trillions of dollars, and no one really knows where any of this money went, except into the pockets of bil...

A Shocking Lack of Homeless Grants

Since the start of the pandemic in America nearly two years ago now, the United States has spent over an estimated $7 trillion on the federal level alone. The bulk of this money has been wrapped up in huge programs and corporate bailouts. ...

California to Vote on Guaranteed Income Grants

State by state, California is not only the most populous but also the most expensive in which to live. People who work basic jobs in the state, especially for minimum wage, cannot mathematically afford to live in most areas of ...

New Hampshire to Receive Municipal Broadband Grants

Infrastructure spending was something that was supposed to be included on the back-end of former President Trump's first term in office. However, the Coronavirus pandemic reared its head and shut those projects down, which...

A Third of Grant Applicants to Receive Funds

A Third of Grant Applicants to Receive Funds There has been a good bit of news for some restaurants around Philadelphia, New Jersey and Delaware this week. A third of them that applied have been awarded Revitalization Fund grants...

Ohio Announces $9m in Infrastructure Grants

President Joe Biden, like most presidents before him, ran on huge infrastructure spending to revitalize this nation's roadways and sewer systems. The fact, however, is that most of the actual infrastructure work doesn't come from ...

$905M in Grants for Rail Projects

When President Joe Biden was elected in the most controversial Presidential Election in history, he made a promise of enormous infrastructure spending to revitalize many aspects of American society. Most economic experts agree that, at leas...

Covid Vaccinations Get Boost Through Kaiser Permanente Grant

There has been a never-ending stream of controversy surrounding the series of Covid-19 vaccines ever since they were announced completed late last year. Of course, since they were announced under former President ...

Foster Kids Eligible for New Grants

There were two main areas of American life that were all but ignored during the Coronavirus pandemic: The homeless and the foster care system. Each has its own struggles; and while one might think that foster care is a step up, because yo...